Friday, May 14, 2010

Blog Topic #6: Communicating via Blog

When we were first instructed to begin keeping a blog for this class, I thought to myself that it would be a difficult task to sustain throughout the semester. Firstly, English is my second language, and I felt uncomfortable putting my thoughts on display for my classmates’ review (although it is good practice). Secondly, I’ve never written a blog before, and the idea of continually updating my activities while commenting on my colleagues’ was a bit overwhelming (Facebook is so much simpler!). However, despite my earlier outlook, I’ve found this method of learning to be surprisingly helpful, fun and insightful – particularly in regard to the Vision blog assignment.

I had never really given much thought to what my “vision” is…I’m 28 years old, and this was the first time in my life that I actually had to sit down and reflect on where I saw myself in the distant future. It was the most frustrating assignment for me, but what I found most stimulating were my classmates’ blogs on their own visions. It was a sort of measure as to where I stood, how lost I was, and how much I really had in common with them (this isn’t exactly a topic of conversation I typically has with my friends). So it definitely was an encouraging project, and I feel that I got a lot out of it.

Overall, I feel that these blogs were helpful on a number of levels: It forced me to write, and I put a lot of effort into using correct English and grammar during these posts; it exposed me to the diverse range of thoughts and feelings that my classmates shared on the same subjects; and it allowed us to express ourselves through our writing and activities in ways we normally never would – ordering exactly four pickles in McDonald’s? Trying to keep an egg from breaking with a straw? Brilliant!

I’m not sure if I will continue to post on my blog after the class has concluded. I suppose it depends on what my classmates will do. I will most likely check up on it every now and then, however, and should I feel particularly inspired to express myself or an idea, I very well may continue with my blogging!


  1. it is great to hear that you said something positive about the blog. I think the blog provide us a new way to comminicate with each other and it is convenient to knoe other people.

  2. I am really glad that the vision assignment was helpful to you. It had a similar effect on me as well. It was like I had to sit down and write out a plan for my future. Something I usually don't like to think about because it gets me stressed out. However, after completing the assignment I felt proud of myself for actaully having such a tight plan that I hope to persue. Overall, I also ended up enjoying the blogging assignments and thought it was something very unique and interesting. Best of luck to you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I thought the blogging assignment regarding vision was extremely insightful too. It's probably my favorite out of all the blogs we've had to do this semester. I thought it was a great way to learn about ourselves and others.
    For someone whose English is their second language, you've become great at it. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, yet your English and grammar is probably better than mine already!
