Saturday, May 15, 2010


After taking the Personal Profile System test, I determined that I’m “D, C”, a “Dominant Conscientious” personality type. This means that my management type puts emphasis on “shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results” in conjunction with “working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy.” I suppose I agree with these test results for the most part, because I feel that I am an active participator in most of what I do – whether it be at work or at school, or with a group of friends. I was never one to “sit on the sidelines” and always made an effort to take more active/challenging leadership roles wherever I could be creative and inventive. I’m bored by routine and I absolute despise being told what to do…I need my freedom, and although I understand that everybody answers to someone, I feel that I am fairly independent, self-motivated individual.

I do not wish I were another type – I am what I am, and I’m happy with myself – but I’m also glad that there are other personality types out there. If everyone were “Dominant” or “Steady”, there would be no social progress. We need leaders and need followers; we need intellectuals and we need workers; we need artists and we need inventors; variety is an integral component of our society.

Determining your management “type” does not necessarily indicate where you’re coming from or how qualified you would be for a specific job or function – it’s more of a personality test that reveals your tendencies and motivations. Although it is amusing to take the test and figure out what category you fall in to, I wouldn’t use it as a method to determine job placement. Do all managers have to be “D” types? This might be viewed as unfair profiling were it to become standard business practice for companies to hire employees according to their behavior profiles. The test may be helpful, however, in determining what type of field you’d be most comfortable in, but personally I feel that human personality is so complex and unique, that tests like these are hardly capable of telling you who you are.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your statement, i am also happy with what i am, and i wouldnt change anything about myself. I am who am i for a reason just like who you are for a reason. People shouldnt be so eager to change just because people take the short road and not the long.
